An early weather check into a solitary blue hole resulted in confinement down to 800ft blowing sideways at a hell of a lick. (We should get land yachts for days like this.) So with no flying in immediate prospect we paused for lunch. Then, from the south-east corner the eye was drawn to a bright glow and a pall of smoke at the top of the field. Further investigation revealed a manic figure tearing the guts out of the old launch control caravan and feeding them into a pyre. This in turn ignited a cord of wood hidden in the undergrowth and evicted the myriad little furry things living therein. See what happens when you let a fireman loose with a box of matches?
An hour later Paul Bryant (was) volunteered to test cloud base in the Ka8. Success! Stephen Ottner soared the Puchacz for a while and then rushed off to his dentist. (Into the teeth of the wind?) By 15:00 we were climbing to > 3000ft whilst being blown sideways at 25 kts, making long glides to nowhere in particular and having lots of crosswind landing practice.
But at this time of year we’re grateful for whatever we can get.