Strictly speaking the last three mid-week flying days in August (a Wednesday and two Thursdays). We start of on Wednesday 12th on a somewhat ‘warm’ day of around 35 degrees C. With a bit of extended flights were possible with climbs to over 3,000′ but only half a dozen, of the 27 launches, managed more than half an hour. Longest flights of the day were both 1:03 achieved by Ken R in JRL and Pete S + Alex J in LTC. Thunder storms threatening by the end of the day.
Threatening sky at the end of the day
The following week the forecast were unusually united Wednesday wet, wet wet. So, we went for Thursday which offered a decidedly lively wind, Fortunately it was straight down the runway so we went for it with brief of complete finals no less than 500′, not far back and 65+ knot approach. Most of the 22 launches were circuits but Bob B with Stan B managed 32 minutes. Colin B made a welcome return after a long enforced layoff but demonstrating the flying must be in his DNA as there was no hint of not being current. It was also good to see Chris K who had to take his car out to blow off the cobwebs (and charge the battery) and somehow ended up at Rivar Hill.
End of the day and time to pick blackberries
One week on and forecast wind for Wednesday was rather similar in strength to the previous Thursday but direction was decidedly cross. Thursday had possibility of rain late afternoon but only a 40% chance. In the event Wednesday started of as promised but wind calmed a lot earlier that forecast and Thursday rain got forecast earlier and with more certainty. Got that one wrong by opting for Thursday. The hard-core stalwarts appeared and we got in 6 launches before the rain stopped play. I took the last launch which was to 1,900′ in EUF and a gentle descent in mainly 1 down.