Just a few of us there to see what flying we could get in before (and around) the promised showers. Started flying at 10:00 and retired to the launch point caravan shortley after 11:30. During that time we discovered that Liz had developed an aversion to height and/or turning as Graham T was subjected to several bung pulls. Also discovered it doesn’t take many to make the caravan feel crowed. When the first “shower” abated (after more tha an hour and a half) we decided to lob gliders back to the hangar with the 2 cables to hand. Only managed to lob one back (just) as the next “shower” appeared this time bearing hail. Toys were tucked away and we retired to the club house to dry off and listen to an excellent presentation by Liz on getting more out of cross-county flying. Lessons were drawn from analysis of Nigel’s Silver distance to Parham and a task from a Worlds comp Liz took part in (by coincidence a day that she won).
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