Bank Holidays can be days when hardly anyone appears to fly, but not this one. 20 people turned out and flew, including Duty instructor was Tim R and with help from 3 other instructors managed to keep all 3 club 2-seaters busy. Alan P rigged his Skylark and offered flights in it to a couple of other solo pilots which helped reduce the demand for the club gliders. Alan H rigged his ASW15 and, somewhat optimistic, declared a 5 hour attempt. At the top of the launch he heard a noise which turn out to be a crack extending in his canopy. He landed, 4 hours 53 minutes short of his target.
Mostly only circuits were on offer but about a quarter of them enjoyed some soaring. Most notable were the first launch of the day (Jeremy K with Tim R) of 47 minutes and the last one (Selvam) of 58 minutes.